for me

Monday, March 21, 2005

AIR Rifle camp two.. nothing much to say liaoz.

Sec 1s .. I like them. Cute, listen to what u say and innocent, what bliss.. If only the sec 3s are as innocent as them, but that's not gonna happen.

The night walk was crap. Freaked the hell out of all the juniors. But they are real cowards, we went thru worse things, like watching a horror movie before it. Haiz...

Enuff of the camp, it's nothing interesting I assure you. Went swimming again, training for 1.5 km swim, i guess it's tiring, but i enjoy it, if only I can find some who is willing to go with me, wouldnt that be good? to have a good friend encouraging you on, and spurring you on. Hm.. Jia En seems to be a likely choice, since he wanna go when i asked him.

Really irresponsible of me to just wanna quit the club, elton lang and walter talked some sense into me. Without them, ill just be another .. I PROMISE I WILL MAKE THE CLUB A SUCCESS, present goal is
1. to recruit more committed member
2. get the members to respct the comm.
3. make the club stable

Yea, and I believe in myself, and the whole club.

I lost 3 kg. Coolio. On my way to becoming fitter.. rock on.

Training for pistol now. Next week training gonna start. Must commit myself, as I will almost surely make it to the team, and I dont wanna drag it down.

Went for movie two movies last week, crazy! got scolded for spending too much.

First movie, spongebob square pants.. not recommended unless u are real lame.. it's pure crap.
went with jev and elt.. haha got a front seat .. rocker sia..

Second movie, In good company, love that show, like cutter personality, it reminds me of myself sometimes, that extra enthu with lots of energy guy? lol.. But whatever...

Saw jessea and her bf there. Bert wanted to stalk her. but i yh and jev stopped him. haha


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